Other Selected Essays

“Novel of Contention: The Quiet American.” Review of The Quiet American by Graham Greene, Western Review, 21 (1956), 76-81.

“Saul Bellow: The Illusion of Environment,” Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature (now Contemporary Literature), 1 (1960), 43-53.

Reprints & Translations

Saul Bellow and his Critics. Gotham Library, NYU Press, 1967.

Amerikanische Literatur des 20, Jahrhunderts. Fischer Taschenbuch, 1972.

“Kafka’s Obscurity: The Illusion of Logic in Narrative.” Modern Fiction Studies, Spring 1962.

“The Possibility of a Theory of the Novel,” The Disciplines of Criticism, Essays in Honor of René Wellek; Yale UP, 1968, 57-77.

“Refractory Visions: The Contours of Literary Expressionism,” Contemporary Literature, 10, Winter 1969, 54-74.

“The Poet’s Dilemma: The Narrative Worlds of Günter Grass,” Dimension, ed. A. Leslie Wilson, Texas UP, 1970, 46-59.

“Paul Valéry: Protean Critic,” Modern French Criticism, ed. John Simon; Chicago UP, 1972, 1-40. Hermann Hesse Heute, ed. Adrian Hsia, Bonn, Bouvier Verlag, 1980.